
Martin Grider


Web Design / Programming:

1) Hypermarks -- Meant as a web portal for online hypertext fiction, this was a project that I worked on as part of a grant to research hypertext fiction on the web. The database portion of the site was based on a perl text-based database tutorial which I then modified to suit the purposes of the project.

2) LivingTech.net -- Living Tech is an online magazine project I conceived and implemented for a class in Media Graphics. I learned a lot about javascript by changing the script for the drop down table of contents to work with frames. The main objective was to create a template which could be used for successive editions of the magazine.

Electronic Art:

1) Bryce 3 Art:

2) Roll Scanner & Photoshop:
5 Long Faces
Moon Series & Sun


1) Converted Print Books to Web

2) Juggling Club Alphabet

3) Browsers