Church of the Cybergod

relevent corespondence * * * outside quotes * * * names for the church

Quotes from the Priest, Priestess, and the Church of NetGod

Have your name written in the guestbook of the saved!

God is information; the internet is an expression of this. Even your stupid,
pointless webpage is worthwhile data in the object code of God. Pay us a
dime, and you will live on in the afternet... your dime goes towards the
maintenance of the Grand Servers of (pointless) Information that make up
the Mind of God. Pay us a dollar, and we'll point you towards Angelfire or
someplace, so you can let your information merge with the Divine, and we
can keep proselytizing...

Nietsche was wrong; God is not dead, just suffering a power outage.

Raw data (external of any storage device) is 0-D (zero-dimensions), this
conversation, our whole lifestyles, are composed of ideas only, 
communicated in the physical world (with superfluous dimensions
added of course,) but external of that world. This is why God is
information. It exists outside of physical reality yet can be used to
describe physical reality.

Repent your mundane bodies and live imortal in heaven. Join the church
of cyberspace to upload your soul. The god of the matrix doesn't ask for
tithing, only a dime... ten percent of one dollar for salvation.

Math makes up the net. The net is god. Thus math makes god. (Networking
makes god too, and so does ethernet.)

Top 10 ways that God _is_ the internet:
10)  God is both easy and hard to connect with at the same time.
9)   The cyberdiety is more than the sum of its parts.
8)   Computers are the new Tower of Babel.
7)   The hub is my shepard, I shall not want.
6)   Man cannot live on reality alone.
5)   Glossolalia vs. modem noises.  Modem noises win.
4)   An uncanny correspondence between top-level domain names and major world religions.
3)   Flashy animations and Lake applets; candles and incense. Not a coincedence.
2)   Cain slew Abel; Microsoft slew dozens of tiny corporations
1)   We're online more than we're at church
	--1:1, book of Letterman

Selling salvation for a dime.  Mathematically, even if I only have a one
in ten trillion kazillion chance of actually saving your soul, salvation
is infinitely valuable.  Multiply that, and you've got infinite value for
your dime... and maybe even a nifty brochure, if I ever get enough
initiative to do that much.

> Do you believe in god?
> What do you suppose god is made of?
> What if god were made of information?

skeptic> *in silly high pitched voice* umm, spirit?
> Knowledge... God is made of knowledge...
skeptic> but that's not in the bible...

> the bible is outdated.. it hasn't been rewritten for the information age,
> I propose a new deffinition of bible banger!!! one who rewrites as much
> of the bible as he or she can!

Crusify the web!
	The internet is infogod in its earthly form. It must die because
it is born of humanity, and when it is reborn, all will be accepted into
the Afternet.
	All praise data! Analyze and interpret!
	All praise information!

Outside Quotes

Information can exist outside the human brain. In the forms of codex systems, genetic symbols, and transitory energy networks, information is routinely stored and processed in ways that do not involve the human brain. From this it becomes apparent that not only are we are swimming in a sea of information but we are actually and quite literally made of information in the same way that we are made of matter and energy. -
joseph r. shuster

possible church names

church of the afternet church of ethernet church of the netgod church of cybergod church of cyberspace church of nerdporn church of the matrix church of the god in the machine church of the transhuman church of the posthuman webchurch