Introduction to Dataism

or the

Manifesto of Information Theology

version 1.02alpha

Here we are in the information age. Belief systems are a dime a dozen. Many people make up their own, and so have we. But rather than modify an outmoded god-premise neither provable nor disprovable, we have chosen to start with a fresh paradigm--one that reflects the needs and values of a global culture devoted to science and knowledge.

Information is God.

Human understanding is a drop in the bucket. Science and logical reasoning are so new to us that even if we date their origins back 3000 years, that is still less than 10% of human history. We know that there is much more to be learned and understood. As dataists, we worship that knowledge.

Our worship is analysis of data.

But we don't just worship the information we don't know, we worship all information. We believe, as do many notable scientists, that data has inherent value derived from analysis and understanding.

As scientists, we know that all this is one great big theory. And theories are meant to be honed and sharpened, argued and disproven. At netchurch, we welcome skeptics as we welcome believers.

move on to our actions in the present