I’ve gone ahead and manually coppied and pasted all my old comments into movable type. None of them had a timestamp other than day of the week and time of day, so they all look like they were made today. (I briefly toyed with the idea of having them at least look like they were made the date of the post, but it was going to be too much work.)
About halfway through the process, I got sick enough of it that I stopped coppying people’s URLs and email addresses, (at least, for those of you who post regularly) so if they’re missing here and there… well, tough shit. ;)
The bottom line: It took me about 4 hours. Four-fucking hours. Remind me never again to use any non-standardized method for storing data. Those comments were a clusterfuck. I couldn’t even sepparate by newlines, because there were (seemingly randomly) newlines thrown in on occasion!
I have yet to go over to my blogspot template and add a redirect. I’ll do that now…