yes. I am addicted to candy.
We dressed up at work, and had a little costume contest. I actually won 3rd place, despite putting very little effort into my costume (even less than last weekend)! I won a duffel bag.
Everyone brought candy, and I brought not one, but two of the horribly expensive candy grab bags that you only see around this time of year at gas stations and convenience stores. I stopped at the Walgreens that is a block from my house because it was convenient. Anyway, I couldn’t decide between the Sweet Tarts/Spree/Bit o’ Honey or the Willy Wanka bag. In the end, I had to get both, but I was seriously leaning towards the Willy Wonda because it had Bottlecaps in it! They don’t sell bottle caps ANYWHERE that I know of in minneapolis. Anyway, I’ve already eaten all the bottlecaps. I’m onto sweet tarts now.