well, things are not really progressing very fast with pyblosxom. It’s like instead of installing movable type once I’m installing it over and over again. I’m going to disable comments for this post because it’s confusing having the form there when it doesn’t do anything, I think.
This week has been busy for me. Monday night I biked to juggling and back, Tuesday I don’t know what the hell I did, and Wednesday I went to see the newly released original Godzilla at the Oak Street Cinema. Godzilla was really good, there were parts that were still funny, but you really didn’t want to laugh, because the movie was seemingly much more serious in tone than the americanized release.
Thursday was the last day for this documentary on Scrabble that I found out about at the Oak Street called Word Wars. My mom loves scrabble, so I told her we had to go, and it didn’t disappoint either of us. The world of competitive scrabble is just as weird and inbred as any other very obsessive-compulsive hobby… juggling, chess, sci-fi fandom, all share simmilar traits when it comes to the their upper eschelons, I think.
After Word Wars, I had this strange compulsion to see Trekies. It’s been on my list (albiet not very high) for quite some time now. We also (not surprisingly) wanted to play some scrabble, so we stopped by the video store, picked up Treckies, and got Laura to join us for some 3-player scrabble. It is definitely harder to play when there is a TV on in the room though, and I always feel bad for some reason if I don’t give a game my full attention.
Tonight I had about fifty things I was suppose to do, or could have done, and instead, Laura and I sat around at home waiting for her sisters to get into town. This seems noble, but we knew they were going to arrive after midnight, so we could have made it no problem to either or both of the birthday parties that were scheduled for tonight. Or maybe done the parade that started at six-thirty. But we both needed time to unwind after work, and it was easier just not to leave the house.
I did watch Shaolin Temple, (Jet Lee’s first movie), and it was a pretty decent action-packed kung-fu movie. Lots of one-hit deaths though, and then when it came down to real battles (at the end of the movie) there were times where it felt like a some of the blows should have been killers, but weren’t. It was silly, but fun, anyway.
Laura’s sisters arrived around 1 am, (having driven from Kansas) and we showed them the house, and played a game of Phase 10. Now I need to sleep… this weekend promises to be as packed as my week has been.
Anyway, that’s the week in summary… a small slice of it anyway.