expect downtime

Bitstream has finally decided they’re dumping all of their free services for those of us who used to work there. That means the old mailing list has had a flurry of “my new email address is…” messages.

When I called to straighten things out, I mentioned that one of my domains hasn’t worked for awhile, and they fixed that all up for me. They still had my old DSL in their system (although the tech confirmed I hadn’t logged into it for about 10 months). I may pay $5/month to keep the old email address, but I’m still debating that one.

As for where this site will live, I have a friend who has said he’ll “hook me up”. More details on that as/when it happens. With any luck, I’ll change the nameserver settings at godaddy, and then transfer over the files at the same time, and if everything works correctly, the move will be transparent. On the other hand, how often does everything work correctly the first time?

random mode – mindblurb metababble

I got carried away on the mindblurb front just now. In case you’re not familiar with the concept, I try to write these things regularly, (used to be once a day, but more often once a week). Usually I just squeeze off a line or phrase that comes immediately to mind. I try hard not to think about them. To empty myself completely and just write whatever words or images end up filling the void. And of course what comes out is definitely a reflection of how I feel or what I’ve been doing all day. But sometimes I surprise even myself!

The point is to increase my randomness factor. I think random links are crucial to good poetry. And by links I mean metaphor and simile to start out with, but also just bridging two or more ideas that wouldn’t have normally found themselves in the same poem (or line, or phrase). I mean, that’s what makes a good metaphor, is pulling in a concept that your audience wouldn’t have necessarily thought of, but somehow just “fits” the idea or concept or situation. And I’m a metaphor guy myself.

[I thought there was maybe a word that meant a poem where the entire thing is just one big metaphorical exploration, but I looked around on google, and I think it’s either just called an “Extended Metaphor Poem”, or there isn’t really a word/phrase for it at all.]

Anyway, after a bunch of random lines (see the “mindblurbs” link in my navigation) I started writing randomly in psudo-verse. Here’s what came out:

PS, lycanthrope is one of my favorite words, but for whatever reason, I seem to always forget what it means. Then I want to use it, so I look it up and remember that it’s a really cool word. This happened just now. Unfortunately, looking it up kind of ended the poetic moment…


brain a slightly erect penile implant,
fingers stretched out into Ethernet,
gun-toting grey-matter-taxidermy
stuffing the proverbial handgun turkey

mouth hanker-yammering
sling-fisted flim-flamming
on felt and fellatio patio furniture

sidewalk scope and rain-drip drope
grass is whiter on the other side of the slope
hill of baked farts
eyes going ever-so-slightly lycanthrope

he calls it geek homework

In response to Dr.Bombay’s post I’ll list all the hugo award winning novels I’ve read. Now, keep in mind, I actually had a goal to read them all at some point, (still do) so my average is no doubt a bit high.

I was surprised, actually, that I only had to look up one of them to see if I remembered it or not. I didn’t, but it was the 1980 winner, so I should have read it… maybe I just missed that one. (In case you can’t tell, I was trying to read them in order.)
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