If I have learned anything

If I have learned anything in this universe (in the last 24 hours), I have learned these things:

• It’s good to understand how your php script works before you complain about weird “caching” issues and/or go about fucking things up in said script.
• Other people write better poems than you. (whoever you are)
• Business is business–that means it will always be run by stupid people.
• Some tricks are really really hard. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to learn them anyway, and in fact, makes it more fun to sort of half-learn them, because you can celebrate “almost-getting-it” that many more times.
• Old friends may call at any moment.
• If a game is released on a particular day, and you call a store that is open 24 hours at 11:45pm the night before, that game is not guaranteed to be in stock at that particular store until 10am. Especially if the store is Wal-Mart, and the game is Bomberman Generations, for the Gamecube.