amon groovin

I must immediately and humbly apologize for all current and impending puns in the titles of my blog posts. I like puns, but they’re somehow ingrained because they were (and still are) my father’s main form of humor.

At this very moment, I am listening to the new Amon Tobin album. In part, in preparation for the concert this saturday at first ave. I just picked up the album last night. I think it came out yesterday, but coincidentally that’s also when I first heard about it. Anyway, I rushed out to Cheepo and picked up a copy. I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t have a copy of Ben Neill’s latest work, which is supposedly comprised of songs he composed for auto commercials.

The other reason I’m listening to this great CD is to get the song that appears in this wonderful flash unstuck. (The link is to, and may take a bit to download, depending.)

Final news tidbit: It’s snowing outside. First time of the year, as far as I know. Fuckin’ beautiful.

2 Replies to “amon groovin”

  1. It’s true LOL… I got my issue of wired, and immediately ran to Cheepo. Of course, they’re both bands/artists I know and love already, but I didn’t know they had new music till I read the issue.

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