Right now, as I sit and write this, a parade is happening in some bumble-fuck town, with Laura, and my mom and sister, and at least a few hundred other unicyclists. The big clubs are competing for best parade show (that includes TCUC, obviously), but I wouldn’t have been able to ride with them anyway, since I’m registered as a non-competitor for the convention. (It’s cheaper that way.)
Here’s the rundown on my sister’s awards: Last night she and her pairs partner performed in the public show as part of the expert pairs competition. They won 1st place at one level below expert last year. Their opponents were really good, and they came in 4 out of 5. They could have definitely had a shot at a higher slot if they hadn’t fallen as often, but believe me their efforts were appreciated.
At the award ceremony earlier in the day, Christy only got 5th place in her age group for “standard skills” (which is basically seeing how many awesome tricks you can fit into a 3 minute time slot), but she took 1st place in “artistic freestyle” (the one she really cared about) with a routine that I helped her write. I think now that she’s won 1st; she has to compete in the “expert” category from now on (this was one level below that, where the world champions all compete).
I didn’t actually get to see her routine, as I didn’t realize it would be held at 9AM. I’m only slightly pissed about that, as I’ve seen it about a hundred times. I’m sure she did great.
Here are some miscellaneous thoughts for today:
* This morning I actually got up and raked the front yard before 10AM.
* I just read over at irish girl’s that national poetry slam is next week/weekend in Chicago. She’s going to drive down for the finals! I may just try and hitch a ride!!
* Tonight is the balls with all the out-of-town fringe shows doing bits in it.
* The fringe has already started, and I’ve already missed one of the events I’d have really liked to see. (The opening night of a show with Ari Hoptman in it.) I’ll still be able to see the show, just not on opening night, which would have had some cool stuff happening afterwards/before.