so… next week my dubious employer agreed to send me off to Java training. I have been waiting for this (and more recently excited about the prospect, because it was a “sure thing”) since sometime in early February or maybe March.
There are two of us in line to go, and I’m first on the list. But somehow I’ve never been quite convinced my company wanted me to take a week off to go learn some stuff. Even if it does give them a cheaper programmer than they’d probably otherwise be able to hire.
The first time I was scheduled to go, someone higher up the food chain decided that I needed to apply for a slightly more programming-oriented position within the company before I could go… I can understand that they would want this to happen (despite the fact that programming has been a part of my job before, in a pinch, on more than one project), but they decided this less than two weeks before the date! By the time we’d dotted all our i’s and crossed all our t’s to get the application approved, my training session was full.
So then I’m scheduled for the next one, supposedly this next week… but what happens now, less than a week before the date? The trainer has some kind of family emergency, and this training session is postponed for three weeks!
I don’t even like Java!!! I’m more a enamored with open source technologies like PHP. When I finally do get to program, it’ll be entirely on this crappy web application that looks nice from a marketing perspective, but is totally crappy when you take a close look at the underlying technology.
As a side note, I normally don’t really post job-related stuff on here, but I’m pretty pissed off right now, and needed to vent. (So take this with a grain of salt, all you damn corporate spies!)
I want to be a corporate spy.
Sorry about the class. I know how much you were looking forward to it.
so now it’s suppose to happen in 3 weeks. we’ll see. in the mean time, my work gets more and more menial. They better hire some underlings soon, cause this is ridiculous.
i can feel your pain… same here. ;( so fucked up… you ask for more challenging project and you get the opposite…
Java makes baby Jesus cry. :(
when you value no one – there’s no such thing as underlings.