the envy of all his friends

For the benefit of those of you who don’t know him, I have decided to dedicate this post to a friend of mine named Leif. Leif is currently touring Europe. He is keeping a webpage with writing and photos from his journey. It’s not quite a blog, as each entry is much longer than I’d want to read on anything like a regular basis, (and he hand-codes everything) but it’s interesting in the same way blogs are interesting, I think, and every time I visit the site there’s something new. (Or at least new to me, as I’ve found I never have time to get through more than one of his posts at a time.)

The stories are fascinating and incredible. Basically Leif just up and sold his house, furniture and car–quit his job–bought plane tickets and some “travel stuff”–and left the country. I think he plans to spend a year traveling, before he then finds some place on that distant continent to settle down in and call home. Of course, I’m jealous.

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