A good sneeze is orgasmic!

Today I turned to google to tell me whether it’s “feed a cold, starve a fever,” or “feed a fever, starve a cold.” I was going to go on search results alone, but the first result was actually someone else wondering the same thing I wasÂ… so I clicked and found out the true answer is neither. Modern medicine says you should eat the sameÂ… and that over eating, and especially starving, is bad in both cases! I learned something new.

Unfortunately, while I’m sick, I usually don’t eat as much. I don’t think anybody does. It’s at least partly because you have this fear in the back of your head that you won’t be able to hold it down. And I often just don’t feel like eating. Oh, and another factorÂ… if your nose is stuffed up (which mine is) you can’t taste anything! So at least half the pleasure of eating is stripped from you.

I was thinking that I’d probably go home early today, but every time I’ve talked with my manager it’s been about timelines, and when I can have things done byÂ… and I haven’t had the heart/guts to tell her that I really just want to go home. Plus, I called in sick two days in a row like two weeks ago, and I’m sure the perception is that I’m just sick all the time. When in reality, I think it’s just that when I get sick I’m more susceptible to further illnesses. So maybe I am sick all the time, who knows? I guess that’s a small price to pay for working less. Except that when I was sick that other time I kept coming in even though I felt like shit. I hardly ever just disconnect from work entirely.

Anyway, I really hope I’m feeling better by Friday. Jason is having his post-fest party on Saturday (and a smaller movie viewing on Friday), and there are people I want to make out with who are going to be there! Laura is going to miss the whole thing, as she’s flying out to California to pick up a friend’s car and drive it back here. They’re stopping on the way back to see Zoomanity. I was very tempted to go with them, but I just can’t justify the expense right now. I will have to see it soon though; I’ve heard only good things about it.

PS, when you search for zoomanity on google, the first result is a site called metaplasm, a fascinating blog-style list of compound and (mis)created words and their definitions. Fun stuff!

3 Replies to “A good sneeze is orgasmic!”

  1. I didn’t say a sneeze was like a good orgasm. Just that it was orgasmic (ie, having orgasm-like properties.) And I was having them… all day on tuesday. I don’t know that I’ve ever had orgasm-like sneezes before, but these definitely were.

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