top ten sci-fi (and fantasy!) movie lists

Here are two more lists because I’m suddenly in the mood. I spent most of this afternoon (after wrapping all the presents–unwrapping is like an hour away!–) compiling a list of books that I have yet to read… (hugo and nebula award winners mostly). Oh, and these lists. Click more to see ’em.

my favorite 10 sci-fi movies:

  1. Brazil
  2. 12 Monkeys
  3. Delicatessen
  4. Mars Attacks!
  5. Akira
  6. Gattaca
  7. Tron
  8. Men In Black
  9. Batman
  10. The 5th Element

my favorite 10 fantasy movies:

  1. The Dark Crystal
  2. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  3. The Labrynth
  4. The Princess Bride
  5. Lord of the Rings (the whole series)
  6. Harry Potter (the whole series)
  7. The Neverending Story
  8. Lady Hawk
  9. Dragonslayer
  10. Willow

One Reply to “top ten sci-fi (and fantasy!) movie lists”

  1. fucking good lists. i love delicatessen as well…have you ever seen city of lost children? that one is fucking awesome too. i found delicatessen at hollywood video the other day and was shocked…i can never find it anywhere. we should have a sci fi/fantasy movie night sometime! that would rock!

    love you, merry kissmas.

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