packed and ready to go

I should be writing right now. …on my novel that is. I’m about 4K words behind, and had been hoping to be much farther along by now. I haven’t yet made it to a coffee shop today to write, and at this rate, I don’t think I ever am. I’m still hopeful that I can catch up by the time our six hour drive to Quad cities is complete (sometime this evening). (midnight-ish)

I’ve been writing little segments all day, two to three hundred words at a time, in between packing. Now I’m all packed, and I’ve spent just about the last forty-five minutes reading blogs and otherwise procrastinating.

Earlier I dropped the first ever glob of wet food on my keyboard. You can still see a kind of yucky brownish stain where the burrito hit the keyboard. I have no idea how to pull off individual keys for cleaning underneath, so I doubt it’ll ever go away. Disgusting.

Last year it was sometimes infuriating trying to write at my aunt & uncle’s house during thanksgiving. I don’t expect this year to be any different. I have what I think is a pretty cool gift for all the families, but haven’t picked anything up yet for the cousins…

I feel like I have really been neglecting my friends this month. Some part of me can’t wait for December to roll around so I can have some free time again. Even though I plan on continuing my daily writing indefinitely, (with much less stringent guidelines) I should still have WAY more time after the end of this month.