last day of nanowrimo – entry 11

I got home from the blue moon around 11:10, with 200 words left to write. I checked my wordcount and validated on the nanowrimo website around 11:36. Even though I told myself I’d keep writing, I’ve been reading the forums ever since.

Nate is trying to get me to come downstairs and drink some chamapign. (But I think I’d rather have a glass of the wine that Laura’s been drinking all night.)

3 Replies to “last day of nanowrimo – entry 11”

  1. Congratulations! We both did it!

    And I totally wish I could have made it to Spyhouse for some write-ins. Not only do I have fond memories of that coffee house, I also dated a hot boy who lived in the apartment above it. Sigh.

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