I’d like to create my xml document, with generic items, and create some magical relationship attributes (or tree descendants), that specify where the relationships go. Seems like there should be stuff like this out there already… bonus points if it’s in flash and looks pretty. Even more bonus points if I can also specify an item’s date attribute and display the whole thing sorted by it.
Here’s the type of xml I’m currently imagining:
<item name="item 1" date="20070521">
<relationship id="abc" />
<item name="item 2" date="20060211">
<relationship id="abc" />
<relationship id="123" />
<item name="item 3" date="19850101">
<relationship id="123" />
Are you sure you shouldn’t be using RDF?
The short answer is that no, I’m sure of nothing. But I think it could be really general, what I’ve been imagining, and it seems like someone must have already made something like it.
I’ll do some reading.