Communication is the future.

Communication is the future.

When will poetry be recognized as a facet of that future?

When will our destinies mingle, twin selves?

Poetry is the efficiency of language that technology seeks. Unfortunately, poetry often talks of intellectual ideas that are complicated, and convoluted, twisted, and incomplete. We need ideas to match our language. Technology brings us closer to understanding. With understanding we can complete the jobs that poetry has begun.

In the future, we will talk of love…and make sense.

The World-Wide-Chicken

I read recently that the WWC, (the World-Wide-Chicken) took off running down the road. It was in a forwarded email–you know, the humor listserve stuff–all about different chickens and how they cross the road. There was the windows 98 chicken, “expected to cross the road in march, maybe April, for sure by September,” and various other system-chickens. Mostly, the email wasn’t all that funny, but the image of the world-wide-chicken has stayed with me for a few days. I keep thinking about it at unexpected times.

I place the desktop computer obsolete in ten to twenty years. They ought to be obsolete in five, but businesses are always slow to adopt the newest technologies. “What do we need ‘that’ for?” they ask. Then in another two years they are forced to buy the latest models or become dinosaurs. The point is that “monitors” and “keyboards” as we know them will not exist. (There will be other optical devices, like AR (augmented reality) goggles, and spoken commands will become more than a reality). You won’t need anything larger than a portable CD player to carry around today’s conventional PC, and anything truly heavy duty will be the size of today’s laptop.

Paste my words!

We live group lives, networks.

We live group lives, networks.
Every mind a node,
every mind made up of nodes.
Each shallow twist in our relationships
is the end of an integrated circuit.

excerpt from a letter to Arlene

those bit-chip blue chrysanthimums
rose red roses on cathode ray tube monitors
the freshness of email +
the excitement of an admirerer’s flowers
here is the new love,
writ in binary.

We live lives through redraw eyes

We live lives through redraw eyes
lines-of-type lives
screen strain lives
networks and email–
silences broken by pipelines
existing in electricity only.

* * *

This is my online journal. More than that though, it’s also my space (and inspiration) to talk about the way that, for me, technology is more than a life-defining phenomenon. All forms of technology, but especially computer technologies, are for me a form of poetry. Of course, saying something is a life-defining phenomenon is nothing to take lightly. For the past several decades, an amazing percentage of the American populous (and a smaller percentage of the world populous) has been technology dependent. Enough for now.

today designs tomorrow

today designs tomorrow
lust for new life
–life all inclusive–
pennies ripple in a water of info
plop! my head submerged.

* * *

This page is my attempt to maintain a connection between technology, hard technology, and poetry. Yes, this is a flakey objective, hardly scientific, but perhaps science is less scientific than we might at first suppose. (For a discussion of this subject, check out Autonomous Technology by Langdon Winner, Against Method by Paul Feyerabend, or any reference to Technological Determinism.)

Perhaps science shapes people’s lives as poetry once did. Perhaps computers and the internet are the new poetry, as TV was the new poetry fifty years ago. The way we define poetry has always been tenuous. Definitions are subjective anyway. Enough for now.