what observations today? (none)
yesterday was the day after the first day it’s snowed this season. I’ve even had a snowball thrown at me.
I keep blinking and imagining I’m riding a BMX bike on a complicated route through a crazy web of jungle-like metal struts and concrete.
I thought this would be more complicated. I have nothing to say, really, because life is both too complicated, and not complicated enough. At this moment, I have simplified things to the point where I have only four (or possibly five) programs open.. my tasks are clear, exceptionally simple, yet also complex at a if-you-didn’t-know-how-to-do-this level.
Tonight is a holloween party, and I have no costume. There is another one tomorrow after I help an old friend move. I’m getting the SWAT van from my dad (who knows why he owns it), but the thought of immitation kevlar crossed my mind… parking would be a bitch, however.