bah, archives work like 20%

bah, archives work like 20% of the time. I’m switching to mt as soon as I have a night free… I want to write my own, but I just don’t have time.

Ren fest starts this weekend, and I have no time for that either. I’ve felt so busy in the last week that I’m keeping a list of things to do… I carry it with me everywhere in my pocket, and unfortunately, I think of more things faster than I’m doing them. So far, the only thing I’ve checked off has been to register to vote at my new address, and change my address on my driver’s lisence. That really only counts as one thing, because I did them both at the same time. Work sucks, and promises to be even busier than today.

Tonight I’m going to volunteer for national poetry slam. I’m excited to see the contestants. Yay for poetry, even if it is in slam form…

One Reply to “bah, archives work like 20%”

  1. take some grid time. no sense giving it all up for everyone else. GRID GRID GRID GRID.

    there–I just took some grid time too.

    Fri 11:03

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