road rage … on the road of life

I will never listen to NPR on the way home again.

Yesterday I experienced what I can only assume was road rage. By the time I got home I had stopped shaking, but before that some kind of combination of forces has aligned in my body… the NPR interviews with political candidates, the HORRIBLE traffic, the guy who was inching into my lane–who I subsequently flicked off, and the fact that Laura and I have had a shaky last couple of days… all these things led me to an emotional state of heightened anger. I haven’t felt like that in ages, and I imagine that I can still feel the shock of it. (Although far more likely is that I have been eating candy straight for almost 24 hours, not including an eight hour sleep intermission, and that has caused the very blood in my veins to tremble with pent up sugar-energy.)

But I have also been shaken up emotionally. This morning I got an email from a friend, with the appropriate subject line: “FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”. He has been married for 5 years. Was dating his wife another 6 years before that. They lost their virginity together. I have not known the couple long, but from the exterior, they appeared to be happy and adjusted. They recently purchased a house together. Now this is all in jeopardy. I will not go into the details, but their future together is up in the air. One part of me thinks the situation is FUBAR. Another part of me thinks… 11 YEARS! they can salvage 11 years… can’t they? It’s not for me to say. But damn if it doesn’t make Laura and I’s petty squabbling look like nothing at all.

And on the inside, I’m still shaking.

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