blog comment spam … and music

I think today was the first time someone has link-spammed my blog–you know, posted a comment for the sole purpose of getting others to follow the URL they use. Movable type must do some cool filtering, because this person also tried to post an image linking to their porn site, and it just didn’t show up. Strange, because I would have thought it would. (I have HTML in comments turned on and all that.)

I also managed to delete an entry today. I’ve encountered this movable type bug before, where I’m editing someone’s comment, and save it, and then when it takes you back to the entry page the body of the entry is actually the same as the comment entry. I’m not sure how this happens. (And actually, it’s possible that it could be a safari bug� I was just editing comments again–in mozilla–and didn’t have the same thing happen.)

I found out there is a new Fluke album, but it doesn’t appear that it’s going to be released here. djnoise had good things to say about it, so I’ll be making an order soon, I think. (How is it possible that it’s substantially cheaper to buy something from than it is to buy it from Aren’t they the same f’in company?)

There are multiple concerts coming up that I want to go to. Dressy Bessy is on Monday at the 400 Bar. They had a really catchy tune in But I’m a Cheerleader. Then Friday the Umbrella Sequence is playing at the Uptown Bar. I’ve been wanting to see them ever since I found out they’re local (I think). At first I was upset because, Low is playing at the Triple Rock that same night, but then I found out they’re playing the next night too! So it’s going to be a concert filled weekend, because those are both shows I really don’t want to miss. I hope low isn’t going to sell out� maybe I should buy my tickets in advance.

6 Replies to “blog comment spam … and music”

  1. The only thing I wonder is if it’ll allow you to delete duplicate comments on a site-wide basis at any given time–like when I first install it. (or do I have to go backthrough all my old entries to find the ones with spam comments and delete them myself by hand.)

  2. I don’t think it’s meant to deal with duplicate comments per se, just links to blacklisted sites… but it will do retroactive filtering.

    If only I could get it to work! Grr.

  3. Am I the only one to find it ironic that the day i get spem on my comments is the day after this new plugin is suppose to be released?

  4. This sucks, I can’t use it either. I don’t have installed… and I’ve tried to install it myself, which seemed to go ok, but it still gives me some error. Hopefully they’ll fix this soon.

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