Taking a dump, reprise.

I have copious leg hair. This should not surprise anyone who knows me overly much. I’m a hairy guy. Anyway, when pulling my pants down just now to take a shit, I noticed a large amount of leg-hair-static that caused every hair on my legs to stand straight out from them. I wish I could have got a picture.

This next tidbit is probably more information than you needed to know… I thought about posting it a while back, but since I’m already talking about pooping, here goes: I like to watch myself poop.

I know, the big question is how! A question I discovered the answer to about six months ago, quite by accident. I believe the lighting in the bathroom has to be perfect for this to work, but the toilet at work is somehow perfect for it. Basically, I can lean forward a bit, and see my reflection in the toiletwater, through the gap between my legs. It’s strange, I know, but also gruesomely fascinating. The reflection is not the most detailed representation, and I sometimes wish I could see more clearly… but then at other times I’m glad. More detail may push fascinating… into the realm of disgusting.

Have a good one, and may all your stools be soft and pleasant!

7 Replies to “Taking a dump, reprise.”

  1. I’m surprised nobody has commented on this. I had someone actually CALL me last night to tell me how disgusting it was… so I know people have reacted to it.

  2. Hey now, I was about to comment! I’m just marginally less compulsive about my internetting these days.

    Anyway, what I was about to tell you is that there are countless websites devoted to the kinds of detailed imagery you say you sometimes want. But you probably knew that already. Also, I find soft stools vaguely dissatisfying.

  3. A slight note of clarification: I have no desire… absolutely NONE, to watch other people poop. It is my own movements I find fascinating.

    Slightly humorous anecdote: at my old job, it was always funny to leave shitcity.com open on anyone’s desktop if they didn’t lock their computer when they left for the evening. Sadly, I don’t think it exists anymore. Go here to see the glory that it once was.

  4. Eh, I was thinking you could do some sort of comparative anatomy research or something. And the wayback machine won’t love me tonight – but I assume shitcity was funnier than the goatse guy?

  5. ok. while I’m scared that I’m going to suggest this. here goes. how ’bout a variation on ‘plating’ — glass plate – video cam positioned underneath it. you see where I am going. could be your ultimate reality. but please don’t post that here. I am returning to my state of denial about having ever read this post. or having ever commented on it. or cared.

  6. yami: yes, if by “funnier” you mean “more disgusting”.

    mopsa: I didn’t make this distinction, but I think part of what is so fascinating is watching the pooping as it happens. Watching it later in some recorded fashion would probably not be the same, and would, I think, be as disgusting as watching someone else poop. It is the simultanious sensory input that I find so “moving”… to “see” something you normally just “feel”. If that makes any sense.

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