Breaking Down

To commemorate my newfound love of Jeremy Messersmith, I am compiling (and have listened to today) a list of songs that I like that contain the phrase “Breaking Down”:

Breaking Down – Jeremy Messersmith
All the Way Down – Glen Hansard
Breakin’ Down – Ben Harper
Stop Breaking Down – The Rolling Stones
Breakdown – Tom Petty
Miniature Breakdown – Quintron

Bonus Tracks (that may not be true to the exact phrase):
Make This, Break This – Bitch
Break on Through – The Doors
Communication Breakdown – Led Zeppelin
Break It Down Again – Tears For Fears
Breakadawn – De La Soul
Give the Po’ Man a Break – Fatboy Slim

Quick “what’s up” and howdy doody

First of all, I just posted a couple of mini-reviews over at my game dev blog about match-3 puzzle games for the iPhone. I’m loathe to link to it, because I’m going to be moving the URL for that blog in the really near future. (OK, well, probably not until next month, but soon anyway.) The idea is to put everything on my new super-secret game development domain, This will probably happen shortly after I’ve already launched ActionChess for the iPhone (I’m finally making chesstris!), and slightly before I’ve re-branded Go-Tetris! as ActionGo.

I flip-flop over whether the new names should have colons in them. ActionGo versus Action:Go, and ActionChess versus Action:Chess. I think I like the colon separation slightly more just because of how it looks visually.

Blogging my Goodreads review of Anathem

This is the first time I’ve tried this… copy/paste-ing the code they give you after you write a review. Lets see how it looks:

Anathem Anathem by Neal Stephenson
My review
rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was really hard for me to get into, but the book is well worth slogging through that first chapter. As anyone who has heard me rant about Stephenson before will tell you, I think he suffers from lack-of-editor-itis, but for a nine-hundred plus page book, this didn’t FEEL as long as it was. I understand Cryptonomicon felt that way for some people too. (I thought it was crap, but probably because I don’t care for alternate history as a genre, and I was terribly disappointed that he’d decided to move away from sci-fi.)
Anyway, this is well worth a read. I almost went with five stars.
View all my reviews.

UPDATE: …in short, it looked like crap. But only because of line-break issues. Those should be cleaned up now.

iPhone 2.2 firmware feature list on MacRumors

MacRumors has up a list of new features found in the 2.2 firmware beta that has been released to some developers. In that list can be found the following item:

– App Store: ‘Categories’ now shows the icons of the applications instead of the list

Now, this is translated from German, and is scant on details, so I really, really hope this is wrong, but if you take this at face value, this is an absolutely terrible idea. Who downloads an application based on the icon!?!? Seriously, if i have to “click into” each app in order to see what it does, I’m going to tear my hair out.

(Incidentally, I don’t even want to get started on this, but I can’t sync my applications with my laptop right now because I didn’t check that box when I last upgraded my iPhone, and checking the box NOW says it’s going to erase all my application data and replace it with the apps that are on my computer. WTF?)

Honestly, I have been upset about the UI (or lack there of) for browsing applications on the iPhone since I wiped my jailbreak and upgraded to 2.0 several months ago. The App store is filled with wonderful apps, but finding them… that’s a bitch and a half. Here is my App store wishlist:

  • sorting options for category view: by date added (the default now), Alphabetical (duh), price, and BY USER RATING (it seriously pisses me off that you can’t even do this in iTunes.)
  • How about breaking the 1400+ games in the “Games” category up into subcategories?
  • Let us browse more than 200 apps in a category. (Seriously, WTF!?!?)
  • Some kind of global toggle for filtering out non-free apps entirely. This would be really useful (I can imagine) for allowing someone else to browse and install apps on your phone. But to be honest, I would keep this “on” most of the time.

That’s all I have time for right now. (I’m off to catch a plane in 2.5 hrs!)

WordPress 2.7 Beta

I’m all beta’d up, and I have to say… wow. There are just some really great layout and organizational enhancements in here. I’m excited to start playing with this in depth, but so far I’m really digging it.

must watch post-apocalypse movies

My co-worker Jachin has started a blog called Survive The Apocalypse, and when it came to our attention today that he had not seen The Road Warrior, we set out to make a list of MUST WATCH movies for him as “research” for his project.

It turns out that there is already a wikipedia page for Listing Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic fiction, and that was a good place to start, but it would probably be hard to wade through all those movies, so here is my (much shorter and much less definitive) list of the ones that I highly recommend, specifically in relation to apocalypse survival:

  • The Road Warrior (1981)
  • Children of Men (2006)
  • 12 Monkeys (1995)
  • Fido (2006)*
  • Shaun of the Dead (2004)*
  • Six String Samurai (1998)
  • The Postman (1997)
  • District B-13 (2004)
  • A Boy and His Dog (1975)
  • Escape from New York (1981)
  • 28 Days Later (2002)*
  • Night of the Living Dead (1968)*, Dawn of the Dead (1978)* (Honestly, I haven’t yet seen Day of the Dead (1985)*, Land of the Dead (2005)*, or Diary of the Dead (2008).)
  • Waterworld (1995)

Two that get nods even though they are far-future, in a world nearly unrecognizable (and, coincidentally, both animated), and because they both rate highly on my list of favorite films of all time:

  • Nausicaa, Valley of the Wind (1984)
  • Wizards (1977)

Note that the *s indicates zombies present in the film. While researching, I also found this awesome Wikipedia page for zombie comedy films. Also interesting to note that City of Ember is on the first wikipedia list. I haven’t read the book (although I understand it’s young-adult), and have been meaning to catch it before it leaves the theaters.

Update: It occurs to me that I should take this moment to plug the comic book series The Walking Dead, which I have only just recently read to date. (It’s still coming out, and is full of super good zombie excitement.) Also, I just read The Road, a novel by Cormac McCarthy, which is being turned into a movie of the same name that will be released late November (next month). The Road doesn’t have zombies in it, but it’s solidly post-apocalypse.

Posting from my iPhone

I’ve just been accepted into the iPhone developer program (as part of Clockwork), and I’m pretty stoked. So far I haven’t donemore than read a bunch of docs & tutorials and compile my co-worker’s demo app, but I’m looking forward to diving in headfirst.

Anyway, to celebrate, I found the wordpress app and installed it. First time using it, but it’s not bad!